Student Cohorts

Scott Blazanin
1st year Masters student in MSE
“A big takaway is that skill and tools can be developed while doing academic work as a graduate student that carries over seamlessly to work in industry.”
Adam Carr
3rd year PhD student in CBE
“Topics were things I would not normally learn or pick up working in the lab.”
Chin-Yuan “Jeff” Chu
3rd year PhD student in IMSE
“I learned project management concepts before but I never thought of using them in research projects. I think they have great potential here.”
Jared Dopp
2nd year PhD student in CBE
“[Project management] tools are useful for thesis research and not just companies or startups.”

Kyle Miller
4th year PhD Student in MSE
“I think the most valuable part of this course is that I take an hour each week to put my day-to-day tasks into perspective as part of a larger thesis project.”

Efrain Rodriguez-Ocasio
2nd year PhD student in CBE
“[The course] gave me a new mindset and vocabulary to plan, execute, and monitor my research.”

Emily Olson
3rd year Ph.D. student in MSE
“I gained a better understanding of interconnected elements which drive my project.”

Shaodong Wang
2nd year PhD student in IMSE
“We discussed many real examples with practical solutions which helped give clear understanding of project management skills.”